Retrieve WP categories from commandline

Posting to WP from commandline is great. Before I post it, I need to lookup available categories so that I can categorize the new post correctly. To prevent a visit to WP admin GUI, I used the same Perl module for posting to retrieve available categories. Below is the code. I hope it helps you too..

use WordPress::XMLRPC;
my $o = WordPress::XMLRPC->new({
   username => 'username',
   password => 'password',
   proxy => 'http://yourblog-address/xmlrpc.php',

my $categories= $o->getCategories();
foreach (0..scalar(@$categories)) {
	print ${$categories}[$_]->{'categoryId'},"\t",${$categories}[$_]->{'categoryName'};
	if (${$categories}[$_]->{'parentId'} != 0){
		print "\tParentId=",${$categories}[$_]->{'parentId'},"\n";
	else {print "\n"}
Alper Yilmaz
Assist.Prof.Dr. Alper YILMAZ

My research interests include genome grammar and NGS analysis.

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